Trains to and from Lorient Airport (LRT)

To get from Lorient Train Station (Gare de Lorient) to Lorient Airport (also known as Lorient South Brittany Airport), you have at least two options: a taxi or bus.

Taxis are available outside the train station, and it's the most convenient option if you have a lot of luggage or prefer a direct transfer. The journey from Lorient Train Station to Lorient Airport takes 15-20 minutes, depending on traffic conditions. The fare for a taxi ride from Lorient Train Station to Lorient Airport is around €20-€25, depending on traffic and any additional charges.

The local bus network in Lorient operates regular services between the train station and the airport. Lines 1A and 1B serve this route, and you can find the bus stops near the station. The journey takes approximately 30 minutes. The bus fare for Line 1A or 1B between Lorient Train Station and Lorient Airport is around €2-€3 per person, one way.

Please note that these fare estimates are subject to change and may vary depending on factors such as time of day, specific taxi company rates, or any updates to public transportation fares. It's always a good idea to check for the most up-to-date information on fares and schedules either through official websites or by contacting local transportation services.

Lorient Train Station (Gare de Lorient)

Lorient train station, also known as Gare de Lorient, is a major railway station in Lorient, France. It serves as an important transport hub connecting various regions. The station is well-equipped with facilities and services to ensure a smooth travel experience for passengers. Amenities include ticket counters, automated ticket machines, waiting areas, restrooms, cafes, and shops. It also provides accessibility for individuals with disabilities.

For more information, please visit Gare de Lorient at:

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