Trains to and from Quimper Airport (UIP)

You have a few transportation options to get to Gare de Quimper Train Station from Quimper Airport. Taxis are readily available at Quimper Airport. The journey to Gare de Quimper Train Station takes around 20 minutes, depending on traffic. The approximate fare is around €25-30.

A bus service operates between Quimper Airport and Gare de Quimper Train Station. The journey takes approximately 30 minutes. Bus tickets can be purchased directly from the driver, and the fare is around €2.

Gare de Quimper Train Station

The drive to Gare de Quimper Train Station takes around 15 minutes, depending on traffic. It's worth noting that the availability and frequency of public transport may vary depending on the day and time. Therefore, checking the schedules to plan your journey accordingly is a good idea.

Additionally, it's always a good idea to confirm the fares and transportation options closer to your travel date, as they may be subject to change.

You can check with the airport information desk, contact local transportation providers, or visit their official websites at for the most up-to-date information.

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