Lyon St Exupery to Faro Flights

You have a selection of 4 airlines when departing St-Exupéry to Faro. When flying from St-Exupéry to Faro you will cover 1,454 Km (903 Miles) with the flight time at approximately 2 Hours 31 Minutes. The airport code for St-Exupéry is LYS and for Faro it is FAO.

The cost of the air travel varies depending on what day you travel and the time of day. With the advent of cheap no frills flights it may be worth booking in advance if possible to get the best deal to Faro Portugal, perhaps late evening or midweek. Flights to Faro Portugal normally go up in price the nearer the travel date, so it would be advisable to book as early as possible.

There is a time difference of 1.0 GMT at Faro Portugal, so remember to alter your watch to the correct time upon your arrival.

Below you will see all the airlines that fly from St-Exupéry (LYS) to Faro (FAO) and the number of flights they operate each day.

AirlinerMoTuWeThFrSaSuFirst FlightLast Flight
TAP Air Portugal000100114:0018:20

The greatest amount of direct flights offered from St-Exupéry to Faro Portugal are by EasyJet with around 0 flights a week. The earliest flight is available at 12:05 and the latest flights at 12:30 with the most popular flight number being U24433. is available for information regarding booking flights etc with EasyJet.

Please see below the times of flights from EasyJet. These times and frequency may vary at different times of the year please visit the website for more information.

DayFlight Times

You may also have a choice of an alternative airport when it comes to flying from St-Exupéry and arriving at Faro. You can find details of this below.

RouteStopsDistanceFlying Time
Lyon St Exupéry to Lisbon01,399 km (869 miles)2 Hours 27 Minutes
Lyon St Exupéry to Sevilla01,296 km (806 miles)2 Hours 20 Minutes
Lyon St Exupéry to Tangier01,443 km (897 miles)2 Hours 31 Minutes

Before departing customs St-Exupéry make sure that you do not exceed baggage allowances as excess charges may be considerable.

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